Explosive Growth in Precious Metals: Silver on Its Way to reach ₹130,000

The metals of good quality market today are in good demand and are experiencing an unmatched growth and silver is leading this growth. As prices are expected to rise to ₹130,000 per kg in the near future, investors as well as analysts are keen to find out what is pushing up this metal. Explaining the neonate increase in the price of silver, its prevailing state, and future trends is the major focus of this article.

Current Market Scenario

The current price trend of silver in India shows the price as in the time frame of July 2024, to be approximately ₹ 77000 INR per kilogram. This is going up from the previous year due to various extraneous factors within the global and domestic environment. Facets of the global economy such as the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions, inflationary pressures, and the world’s economic recovery have also boosted demand for silver as a safe haven.

Factors Driving the Surge

Industrial Demand: Silver is very essential in various applications such as electronics and photovoltaic application, solar cells, and electric vehicles. The increasing necessity for environmentally friendly innovative products such as solar panels has also increased the demand for silver. From the perspective of the Silver Institute, industrial usage is anticipated to increase by 15% in the year 2024.

Investment Demand: Global and economic risks together with factors such as inflation have caused the investors to look for safe havens in precious metals. While the precious metals, primarily gold, have been on a high, the option that is usually more affordable is silver. Marketing and procurement of ETFs and physical Silver has gone up and so has the prices.

Supply Constraints: The problems that affect silver mining include; regulatory concerns particularly environmental regulations concerns, declining ore grades, and geopolitical issues. These constraints have in one way or the other hindered the supply of silver hence increasing the price of the same. Some of the major silver producers such as Mexico and Peru have recorded lower production rates and hence widened the supply-demand gap.

Monetary Policies: Governors of central banks around the globe have applied low interest rates and easy money to counter slow down which aim at expanding the volume of money in the economy. This has resulted in devaluation of the established currencies thus the need to adopt valuable metals for storing items of value. Fluctuations in the exchange rate have also played out, the depreciation of the Indian Rupee against the US Dollar for instance has compounded the situation by raising silver prices in the domestic market.

Future Projections

While analyzing the silver market, financial gurus’ opinion is unanimous about the further increase of prices, possibly reaching ₹130,000 per kilogram until the end of 2024. Several factors support this projection:Several factors support this projection:

Technological Advancements: Driver towards green energy and electric cars will ensure continuous demand for silver in the industrial use. These sectors are expected to continue to develop new applications for silver and therefore continue to drive demand.

Economic Recovery: Since the world economies are gradually getting out of the impacts of the pandemic, it is expected that industrial processes will increase hence increasing its demand for silver. The expansion plans of the infrastructure have been announced by various countries which are especially the like of India that will augment this demand.

Geopolitical Stability: Volatility in global relationships and especially between large economies may also persist which in turn is likely to cause turbulence in the global markets. This would sustain the need for safe-haven commodities like silver.

Market Sentiment: It was further acknowledged that positive sentiment regarding silver as an investment asset among the investors shall remain intact due to increased recognition across different entities as inflation and economic volatility hedge. This hence explains why investment demand will have to be sustained in order to enable the attainment of higher prices.

Investment Strategies

For investors looking to capitalize on the projected rise in silver prices, several strategies can be considered:For investors looking to capitalize on the projected rise in silver prices, several strategies can be considered:

Physical Silver: Another passive approach is the purchase of bullions in form of silver coins, silver bars or silver jewelries. This method delivers a very direct procedure when it comes to looking at the silver prices and can be pegged as a long term reserve.

Silver ETFs: Thus, purchasing an exchange-traded fund, you can invest in silver without having to store actual bars and coins. Silver ETFs maintain an important connection with the actual price of the commodity while at the same time has the advantage of being easily tradable.

Mining Stocks: Some of the ways on which one can directly gain exposure to the silver price are buying physical silver or investing in companies which deal on the deals on silver ores. While they produce better results when there is an upward market sentiment in silver they always pose latent risks.

Futures and Options: As for the regular investors, it is often possible to make money on the price fluctuations of the trading instrument, which is why the futures and options on silver are often used in active trading. These financial instruments give the opportunity to stake on future prices’ direction but are very volatile.


Increasing the trend of prices of the silver metal may hit ₹ 130,000 per kg indicating the silver metal demands in industrial usages as well as investment areas. Thanks to the ongoing developments in technology and speed recoveries in the economy, silver retains a supply-side problem which if technology pushes it up even more, the price of silver will shoot through the roof. While investing, one should make sure that this growth potential is worked upon without compromising on the risks that are involved in the market.


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